Blog 2: Mega Project Update


Not only empathizing but rendering the best possible services with in the capacities of team Dream Career, we toiled away last two weeks in clarifying career goals of 15+ intermediate students all across Pakistan.

Virtual Career Counselling Sessions — Team Dream Careers

Sneak Peek:
Massive campaign on spreading vision and objective of our organization went very effective during first week. Our call for intermediate students to avail free career-counselling from us became so popular that 50+ individuals contacted us to collaborate.

Dream Careers — Facebook Page Insights

Although the set back of not proper re-opening of intermediate institutes demotivated our energies yet, the shift of awareness drive solely through social media networking sites brought us unpredicted results. We changed our approach of conduct. We had already provided consultation forms: on FB page: of our organization out of which one by one the analysis of applicants’ data was made and they were referred to concerned field member of our team to guide intermediate students.

Responses identifying lacking information of careers in applicants

According to the mode of consultation decided by the applicant the advises on demanded as well as the relevant career opportunities were provided. After these in-person sessions, in order to obtain the impact of our efforts to help applicants opt suitable career for themselves, they were asked to fill another short feedback form called “exit-ticket”. Side by side, the data including background education, co-curricular activities and field of interest was collected and sorted out for presentation of every individual’s career paths.


Changed mind set after counselling

The impact of our work became evident when the difference between people preferring to have the career counselling before and after experiencing was demonstrated. We were able to counsel 15+ intermediate students who became clear about opting suitable career choices for themselves, so far. They were ready to put their faith in us, trusted us in sharing their educational back-grounds as well as their future professional goals, and were satisfied by our services. Students’ satisfaction promoted us, leading us to deal with more applicants. By counseling more students, a chain of change in the mind set of intermediate students was observed. Students not only identified significance of career counselling before opting their dream careers, but were also convinced to spread our message to their fellows/friends. There was an overall change in the in responses to applicants after they experienced it. We were able to change the mindset of youth as well as we were able to convince them to spread the message of our team to their fellows as well so that the custom of attaining career counselling could ascend in Pakistani society.

Responses on promoting Dream Careers

Challenges: Although due to pandemic, we could not meet students in-person and create an impact of counselling on a larger scale but we tried focusing on the convenience and consent of students. The issues like lacking internet facility, lacking laptop, mobile phone to get engaged and also lacking permission of talking to team members created troubles.

The issue of electricity again was a big hurdle in connecting with students.
We dealt with their issues very professionally, waited for them and allowed them to select time slots of their own convenience. In addition to this, pressure of family to chose the field of their interest was seen as a frequent inhibitor to the influence of our suggestions.

Responses signifying Inflexible fanatic demands

Sustainability of our plan includes providing applicants with our contact details for any future career related query. We have planned conducting weekly in-person meet-ups, Webinars and Seminars (Post-pandemic) on career selecting drives and also posting them on FB page in order to promote our vision further. The webinars/seminars would be organized calling experts of different fields who would tell our followers the demands, needs and challenges of the careers they have excelled in. Ensuring to be informed about satisfactory level of our followers/participants we would keep on doing weekly surveys (post-meet ups). By appreciating participants i.e entitling them (e.g student of the session) and giving all students participation certificates could really help us promote our vision. Moreover, with the improvements in conduct of our team we aim to continue rendering best of our services to the youth of our country 24/7.

