Educating female child-A Basic Right Fulfillment.


Pakistan is known as an under-developed country around the globe. Counting down the miseries that inhabitants die fighting with, range from getting access to clean-drinking water and get paused to win shelter- a roof to protect long-extended families. Issues like climate-change, lacking job-opportunities, ever-rising populations; diminishing country’s resources, scarcity of provision of health and education are not only far from our preferences, but are far from our visions.

Benazir Bhutto on double-standard society.

47.6% budget of the this country goes in pockets of army for defense purposes, while the poor here dies out of getting bitten by street dog just because of non-available dog-bite vaccines. Now let’s pause ourselves for a moment to think about children. Pay heed to the future of this nation. How much do we facilitate our children grow in healthy, secure and opportunist environments. We are a poor-illiterate nation, who spend 2.3% of our budget on education. Now just analyze, how much of this budget, would the primary education sector be using?

Asma Jahangir on education for women.

Children are not only devoid of proper class-room equipments in government institutes, but lack an overall conducive environment of obtaining education. The culture of ghost attendances, using school-buildings for personal purposes, abusing children and absenteeism followed by teachers worsens the situation.

And among all of these unfortunate customs, can you imagine how difficultly little, innocent-girls get education? Parents do not take real interest in sending their children to school, who cares for a girl ever to get the chance of obtaining education.

Female illiteracy adds to already culminating female dependency in the country, raising pressure on the active population. It leaves female helpless in this growing world who fall prey to the illegal and immoral issues like early-marriages, sexual-abuse, increasing divorce rates, honor killing and female infanticides.

Early marriages in Pakistan

The problem I want to work on is education of children specially girls to ensure, they get basic education efficiently, in order to earn living rather than becoming a burden on country’s economy.

Bad infrastructure, Government primary school Jhang.

MY research on this topic has helped me to work hard for these under-privileged children, who do not really know Pakistani social cruelties which would engulf them in a long run.

Awareness on female education.
Basic right to educate, snatched from girls in Pakistan.

