From baking cake to eating frog: My pomodoro diaries.


Applying pomodoro to eat my procrastination of baking cake. I ate frog before eating cake!
Universe is full of opportunities. It always gives you back with what you put in it. I invested my energy, time, effort and focus in it and guess what I got? I was taken aback haha surprised at the same time! when my maiden chocolate-fudge baking diary turned out to be like this:

Amima’s baked

Seeing this, as what the last two hours gave me was making me to jump ninth to eleventh cloud because, I have always fascinated baking as a very time consuming task. So the story is, I applied pomodoro technique. The best thing I learnt ever!

Baking it just required 4 intervals of 25 minutes to put in intense focus. Setting first 25-minute timer, I read the recipe from my mother’s dessert’s book (without letting her know, making sure to portray my self as the best product she could ever produce :D). On collecting all ingredients and choosing the appropriate utensils, I organized material according to the order they were supposed to be used. Here the bell rang out.
I went out of the kitchen, spied everyone’s in their respective rooms just to ensure if universe betrays me I would simply blame my brother for creating mess in kitchen bhahaha. Yeah life was not easy being middle child of the house :D . I returned back.

The second 25 minutes, were directed to make chocolate batter. I followed the recipe thoroughly, carrying out each instruction like a holy commandment to be preached and eradicate all evil forces driving the world a nutty to live. I poured the batter into mommy’s baking utensil after greasing the baking paper with butter. Now came the time, to put it in oven.
“Most critical phase, be aware” reading this instruction, drove even the ghost-self out of me. I pondered over the maximum loss I would might face. I imagined having a bag-pack of all my resources with which I have been living up till date… the “junks” according to my elder sister’s latest-opinion version. I thought about bidding farewell to my family, when my mother would finally denounce of having no heredity connection, with a naive whom I live up to became. Amima! whom would you hug and whom won’t? Would my brother even cry in case if I get kicked out after failing this “most critical phase” and get mama’s neat, well-decorated kitchen turned into coal-blacked ash? The alarm rang. My bad :D

Spending the last 3 minutes in the luxurious room, I went back to kitchen. Now or never! I pulled up my socks, and believed nothing would go wrong unless I do not make it wrong. Set the third 25 minute alarm and put the batter into oven. Set the time and moved out of the kitchen. Taking all the belongings which were dear to my heart. I took the ghost- recipe book which suggested to wait for next 25 minutes. I decided to went back to my room and utilize time to make a bag pack. I went to my brother’s room too, who was so indulged into playing his God damned new play station. So what I was ignored :D I intended to meet mama for the last time. Also, to ensure whatever I have achieved so far was just because of her encouragements, and guidelines. I just hugged her, saying nothing at all and came back to my room. The moon on its horizon was shimmering to bright and high. I went closer to my window-pane and got lulled by it! Why is the moon so round? How perfect in shape. What makes you beam like this? God is an artist I swear. I was getting hypnotized by the beauty of full, shimmering-round moon and just then, the final alarm of 25 minutes rang. GOSH!

I rushed to the kitchen. And found out my maiden cake, reflected the life I put in it. How fair is this universe to its believers!

