My first two weeks with Amal


Like that sweet summer breeze which blows once in a while… but just in that very moment, when it blows it feeds in elixirs to the life of many directionless swaying-flowers.

Like that morning’s dew drop which descends leaf down the leaf; paying off indebted owes for being able to mesmerizing both the universe and creatures, to ultimately get mixed with soil and attain eternity.

My experience at Amal was that awakening. It was enlightening. It was awe-aspiring not just in a single but in many aspects. I was able to learn the unlearnt. I discovered the unknown, and experienced the inexperienced life ever than before during fellowship.

For me it was not week 1, it was hour 1, second 1 of the first minute when I was exposed to people so different from me in terms of professional backgrounds, careers, languages, cultures and ethnicities. It was more like a virtual window for me to get access to the abodes of knowledge which Stanford University had offered and equally apealing was the opportunity of connecting with amazingly-competent people during break out of pandemic to understand myself better.

The first two weeks were inspirational and at the same time evolutionary for me. As conciously following Amal values, instilled in me the permanance of realizing significance to practicing Amal attributes i.e honesty, responsibility, growth, humility and acceptance. Following Amal core values in not only personal but professional conducts remained a miraculous experience. Of course man(explicitly human) is a social animal, and taming them to all good attributes at once is quite a difficult task, but the way Amal helped us in in-building them as part of our own personas as well as the way it ensured we practice them in our informal and formal dealings was undoubtedly an adorable learning experience.

In addition to this, I think it has added a lot to my expressiveness and has trained me in becoming more open towards promulgating my own emotions and opinions at different places before different people. Whether it was the activity of gratitude letter writing, performing the acts of kindness, working out SMART goals or even making videos on traits of an MVTP all have contributed in dawning upon me the reflections of my own self, so sincerely that it is hard to write about them.

I discovered, I was able to inculcate my weaknesses in a very persuasive way. It happened in quite a vivid and self-explanatory manner. Although the journey of first two weeks emphasised on discovering my strengths too, but I knew about them so it did not excite as much as knowing weaknesses did, yet the hunt of the unknown has always lured me which is one of the reasons why I have become a life learner.

All credits to fantastic Amal Team!

