The Amal Tale


Putting down the truth in black and white today, I am afraid of not being capable of comprehending the abstract of my experiences with the Amal family, so far. I am even afraid of not being able to grasp that fragile extract, which is making me sad for some unacquainted but submissive reason. It seems to bid me a farewell hiding right behind the corner barely a step away, for it too conveys to me that bearing detachment would be difficult. Alas! a separation at my threshold.


Why do meetings end at separations? How can the worldly customs be so reckless for the people who hold heart in this stone-age of emotions. Why do the people who meet are destined to dissipate? Undoubtedly, I am absolutely elated to having been a part of Amal but realizing it as ending soon is leaving me in despair. The superb weekly sessions, the hilarious learning group meetings, mega project unending mysteries and above all our group’s funny relaxation exercises before mock interviews add oomph to these indelible memories at Amal when I look back. Time travels too fast, thanks for teaching the Pomodoro technique dearest Amal buddies!

Thanks for teaching Pomodoro Technique — Amal Team

I think, the mock interviews have created a lot of difference in the way I used to perceive work in the professional world than now. My mock interviews allowed me to experience and tackle the pressure before hand going into the professional market for a job interview. Moreover, it facilitated me in getting expert opinion on my performance, who pointed out the mistakes I would definitely avoid committing before my potential upcoming employers. Also it has trained me to encounter a variety of most frequently asked questions in job interviews, by teaching QBQ indicators. It really has helped me grow in a more enriched and efficient way, providing me with the best of knowledge and experience they could offer. I would never have discovered this treasury of ultimate guides and mentors elsewhere, if I were not a part of Amal. And I feel so blessed on this!

Destruction being the form of another creation

Of course saying goodbye to people who have contributed a lot to one’s professional and intellectual growth is difficult but let’s not be sad. Let’s wish to meet some day with big smiles and hopes to have achieved SMART goals using Eisenhower matrices. Let’s plan to show up greeting each other by attaining millennium of success in a precise amount of time following business model canvas, or accomplishing some out-standing award at work place for becoming an MVTP of your team at office. It is the time to practice the teachings Amal has taught us, it is the time to follow what Amal has built in us as Lao Tzu says “ when the student is truly ready, the teacher disappears”. So here we go holding immense gratitude, love and respect for the whole Amal team behind making our journey perfectly awesome!
Thank you so much Amal :)

Thanks giving - Amal Team

